The Triennale di Milano is an event that kicks off a great year for Portuguese architecture and design. The project Objects After Objects proposes a reflection on contemporary project-related practice, its teaching, production, its creative, economic and political dimension, starting in April and running through September.
With an area of 225 m2, Portugal’s Pavilion is located at the iconic Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum. The Portuguese presence, featuring emerging architecture and design practices, stands out as the only one involving a higher-education design school, while being present with an exterior self-constructed ephemeral architecture, and presenting a disseminated programming, with simultaneous events at various venues in Milan and Portugal.
Objects After Objects, commissioned by José Bártolo, under the curatorship of Roberto Cremascoli and Maria Milano, is promoted by the Government of Portugal, via the Ministry of Culture, and organized by ESAD College of Art and Design and ESAD IDEA Research in Design and Art.
The Portuguese programming will be presented at Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum, from April 2nd to September 12th, 2016.
— curadoria de Maria Milano
The result of three workshops working the object, its use and reuse.
guests: Paolo Deganello, João Mendes Ribeiro, Fernando Brízio, Vânia Rovisco + ESAD Students
— curadoria de João Cruz e Paolo Mestriner
A microarchitecture intervention with an auto-construction approach.
participants: Estudantes ESAD + Estudantes Politecnico di MIlano - Joana Costa, Sara Ferreira, Soraia Marta, Gökhan Keskin, Nicolò Garonzi, Arianna Guarducci, Marco Faravelli, Cinzia Dal Bianco, Andrea Federica Briglia, Elisabetta Forleo, Tatiana Levitskaya, Adrien Vieira, Carlos Sousa, João Oliveira, João Correia, Valentina Duarte, Mara Moura, Silvia Faravelli, Thomas Tellarini, Valentina Almerico, Fabio Calabretta, Francesca Tiberi, Ana Acosta, Cristiana Oliveira, Elodie Teixeira, Miguel Ribeiro, Stefanie Costa, Stephanie Ferrante, Alessandro Tarolli, Damiano Rigoni, Priscilla Costa, Giuliano Roversi, Sara Fausti
tutors: João Gomes, José Castro, Rui Caldas
— curadoria de Roberto Cremascoli
Emergent examples in the design made in Portugal.
guests: JQTS/João Quintela e Tim Simon, Ateliermob/Tiago Saraiva e Andreia Salavessa, Bernardo Rodrigues, CAN RAN/Catarina Almada Negreiros e Rita Almada Negreiros, Fahr 021.3/Filipa Almeida e Hugo Reis, Moradavaga/Pedro Cavaco Leitão e Manfred Eccli, Nuno Abrantes, Pedro Bandeira, Pedro Rogado, Sami Arquitectos/Inês Vieira Da Silva e Miguel Vieira
— curadoria de José Bártolo
Emergent examples in the design made in Portugal.
guests: André Teoman, Fernando Brízio, Galula, Joana Santos Barbosa, Jorge Carreira, Luís Nascimento, Manuel Amaral Netto, Marco Sousa Santos, Martinho Pita, Raul Cunca, Samuel Reis, Susana Soares, Toni Grilo, Vitor Agostinho
— curadoria de Roberto Cremascoli e Maria Milano
Interviews carried out at the daily whereabouts of great personalities regarding national architecture.
guests: Adalberto Dias, Alexandre Alves Costa, Álvaro Siza, Eduardo Souto De Moura, Gonçalo Byrne, João Mendes Ribeiro, José Adrião, José Carlos Loureiro, João Luís Carrilho Da Graça, José Manuel Carvalho Araújo, Manuel Aires Mateus, Manuel Graça Dias, Sérgio Fernandez
20 June, 9:00 AM
1st Conference by Público From the Reinvented Object to the Reinvented City
Infante D.Henrique Auditorium, Porto de Leixões Cruise Terminal, Matosinhos
19 May, 3 PM
[Objects After Objects - Presentation of The Portuguese Programme][17]
Commissioner José Bártolo; curators Maria Milano, Roberto Cremascoli e João Cruz; exhibition designer Maria Ramalho Fontes/RAR Imobiliária; graphic designer Inês Nepomuceno
ESAD Matosinhos
20 April, 6:30 PM
Campanhã Slaughterhouse Project - Presentation in Portugal
Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto
Porto's Industrial Slaughterhouse, Campanhã
april 2, 5 PM
[Presentation of Matosinhos City of Design][15]
Commissioner José Bártolo, Mayor of Matosinhos Guilherme Pinto
Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum, Milan
**april 14, 5 PM
The Reinvented Object / The Reinvented City - Talk, Launch & Lunch
— Talk
Adalberto Dias, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, José Bártolo, Maria Milano, Paolo Deganello, Roberto Cremascoli and Rui Moreira; moderated by Guta Moura Guedes
— Launch
Pli Arte & Design Magazine - *Design After Design*, by José Bártolo
Porto City Hall’s Publication - *Porto Before Porto*, by Guilherme Blanc
— Appetizers
with Portuguese Wines
*La Triennale di Milano/ Biblioteca del Progetto, Milan*
april 2, 5 PM
Presentation of Matosinhos City of Design
Commissioner José Bártolo, Mayor of Matosinhos Guilherme Pinto
Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum, Milan
april 2
Opening to the Public - XXI Triennale di Milano*
*Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum, Milan*
april 1, 6 PM
Grand Opening - XXI Triennale di Milano
Italian Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini, BIE’s General Secretary Vicente Loscertales, Mayor of Matosinhos Guilherme Pinto, Commissioner José Bártolo, Curators Maria Milano and Roberto Cremascoli
La Triennale di Milano, Teatro dell’ Arte, Milão
march 31, 10 AM — 6 PM
Opening to the Press - XXI Triennale di Milano
*Leonardo da Vinci National Science and Technology Museum, Milan
23 march, 3 PM
Press Conference - Presentation of the Portuguese Representation
State Secretary for Culture Isabel Botelho Leal, Commissioner José Bártolo,
Curator Roberto Cremascoli
Ajuda National Palace, Lisbon
16 a 18 nov + 21 dec 2015 + 28-30 mar 2016
The Hand Meets the Mind
Workshop on auto-construction with Paolo Mestriner and the Politecnico di Milano students, and João Cruz and the ESAD students.
ESAD, Matosinhos +
12 e 13 nov + 4 dec 2015
The Journey
Workshop focused on a series of unprecedented objects, produced by students, exploring the process of auto-production, with Fernando Brízio.
ESAD, Matosinhos +
3 dez 2015
Presentation Conference — XXI Triennale di Milano
By Andrea Cancellato (director Fundação La Triennale), Silvia Latis (representing Milan Design Week), José Bártolo (commissioner Portugal in Triennale di Milano), Roberto Cremascoli (curator Portugal in Triennale di Milano)
MUDE - Museu do Design e da Moda, Lisboa
28 feb - 3 mar 2016
The Object Like a Body Extension - part II
Workshop on the exploration of spaces and objects as extensions of the body, with Vânia Rovisco.
ESAD, Matosinhos +
14, 15 jan + 2, 19 fev 2016
The Object Like a Body Extension
Workshop on the exploration of spaces and objects as extensions of the body, with João Mendes Ribeiro.
ESAD, Matosinhos +
15 e 19 apr + 2015/2016
Furniture Remade
Workshop on the reuse and rehabilitation of old furniture, with Paolo Deganello.
Fábrica de Santo Thyrso, Santo Tirso +
Promotor: república portuguesa / ministério da cultura / direção-geral das artes
organização: esad idea investigação em design e arte
parceiros institucionais: câmara municipal de matosinhos e câmara municipal do porto
apoio institucional: aicep portugal global
mecenas: rar imobiliária, design factory, sofalca, softlight, ecomotti spa
media partner: público
comissário: josé bártolo
curadores: maria milano e roberto cremascoli
curadores convidados: fernando brízio, joão cruz, joão mendes ribeiro, paolo mestriner, vânia rovisco
coordenação geral: sérgio afonso
coordenação pedagógica: joana santos
coordenação editorial e programática: andreia garcia
gestão de projeto: margarida antunes
produção executiva: david marques
design expositivo: rar/design factory
design gráfico: inês nepomuceno
web design: diogo vilar
press: mafalda martins
local office: flavia chiavaroli