The internet of things

Massimiliano Dibitonto, a researcher and expert in human computer interaction, will present the workshop Designing Experiences for the Internet of Humans and Things.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a topic of great interest and it is addressed as a paradigm that is reshaping the relationship between people and computers. Smart-homes, smart-cities, smart-objects etc will influence our life in a very near future, but to make these objects really “smart” we have to take care of the design of the relationship (not only the interaction) between the user and this new kind of objects. The User Experience design methods, used for websites and mobile apps, should be expanded and mixed with other disciplinary fields as product design, service design, engineering and architecture. In this workshop we will explore, with a hands-on approach, the new frontiers of Interaction Design and User Experience Design in the Internet of Things Scenario. We will see why designing for the IoT is different and we will try to develop a project and a prototype.

The workshop has a minimum duration of 8 hours, divided between theory and practice. It is possible to delve into some topics and develop low fidelity prototypes of the projects designed by the students. It is organised under the ERASMUS mobility program and the Degree in Interior Design.

Massimiliano Dibitonto is a phD in Computer Science, a UX researcher and an expert of Human Computer Interaction, Internet of Things and Digital Fabrication. He is a research fellow at Link Campus University and it’s main research topics are new interaction paradigms and the relation between man and technology. He teaches Interaction Design at Link Campus University and at Rome University of Fine Arts. He took part in numerous research projects as UX and HCI expert addressing several topics including: Internet of Things, smart cities, smart mobility, promotion of cultural heritage and mobile systems usability.


Coordenação antonino jorge, rui canela, desirée pedro, isa clara neves, paulo seco, paulo pereira

event workshop

place room p12

date may 4, 09h-13h; may 5, 09h-13h

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