André Santos

André Santos has a Master’s degree in Communication Design from ESAD, where is has been a lecturer since 2018. He has worked for various organisations, mainly in the cultural field, such as the theatre companies Cabeças no Ar and Pés na Terra and Teatro da Palmilha Dentada, as well as for Pilar Eventos, among others.
In October 2014, he was responsible, among others, for setting up the Carruagem — Tráfego de Ideias platform. In March 2016 he founded Estaminé, a studio dedicated to the creation of pieces made from paper. The studio has worked with the likes of Barbearia do Porto, Paupério, a biscuit factor, and the musician Noiserv. André Santos is the author of “A Aldeia Adormece”, a game released in November 2017. A board game enthusiast, he regularly creates digital content at Gamnificent. Freelance board game designer since 2020.