Directorate-General for Higher Education
Merit Scholarships
Merit Scholarships are awarded annually to ESAD students who are enrolled and registered on degree courses, rewarding their exceptional achievement, by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES).
- The following regulations apply to all students enrolled and registered on ESAD's 1st cycle courses.
- This regulation covers all students who were enrolled in the academic year immediately before and are enrolled in the academic year to which the scholarship applies.
The Merit Scholarship is a fixed-rate cash grant for students who have shown exceptional academic achievement. A student who cumulatively meets the following conditions is considered to have made exceptional progress:
- In the academic year preceding that in which the scholarship is awarded, you have passed all the curricular units that are part of the syllabus for the curricular year in which you are enrolled;
- The average grade of the curricular units referred to in the previous paragraph has not been lower than Very Good (16).
- The Merit Scholarship is fully funded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education.
Criteria for Award
- The scholarship is awarded to the student(s) with the best final average grade in the year for which the scholarship is awarded;
- The average, rounded to the nearest hundredth, is calculated based on the grades achieved in the curricular units and weighted by the respective credits;
- In the event of a tie, the highest grade among the 15-credit course units will be considered;
- In the event of a tie, the same procedure as set out in paragraph 3 of this article will be followed for the 9-credit and 6-credit curricular units;
- If there is still a tie after checking the criteria in paragraph d) of this article, the students will be interviewed in person by ESAD’s Pedagogical Director.
The general regulations for awarding merit-based scholarships to higher education students were approved by Order No. 13531/2009 published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 111, of June 9, 2009, which revokes Order No. 2331/98 (2nd series), of February 6, as amended by Orders No. 16472/2000 (2nd series), of August 11, and No. 20591/2002 (2nd series), of September 27.
Regulation ESAD