Esad open talks'24 | Paul McNeil

Paul McNeil is a graphic designer, writer and educator. In 2009, he co-founded MuirMcNeil Studio with Hamish Muir, a design consultancy centred on exploring systematic methods in visual communication.

McNeil has extensive experience in teaching design and was director of the MA in Contemporary Typographic Media at the London College of Communication. He is the author of The Visual History of Type, published in 2017, McNeil's definitive study of typefaces from 1450 to 2015, was published in 2017, and Letters from M/M (Paris), his monograph on the type and letterforms of the famous French studio, in 2022.

On 6 March, at 5pm, he presents the conference Paul McNeil - Design Systems/Systems Design in the ESAD auditorium.

The ESAD Open Talks are part of the programme of lectures and intensive workshops of the Master's in Communication Design.


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