Eliška Oz is a film director, stop motion animator and lecturer at Tomas Bata University. Together with her husband, Lee Oz, she forms the prestigious 'OZ Animation' studio, which, in addition to creating animations, produces music videos, adverts and videos for clients all over the world.
With the support of the ERASMUS+ international mobility programme, the workshop is aimed especially at Digital Arts and Multimedia students, but is open to other potentially interested parties.
8 APR, 10:00 am — 1:00 pm
9 APR, 2:30 pm — 5:30 pm
11 APR, 2:00 pm — 5:00 pm
Organisation marta varzim, albano lemos pires, joão tiago santos
support geri - erasmus + and international relations office
coordination eliška oz
date 8, 9 and 11 april 2024
location esad
degree programme in digital arts and multimedia 2023/24