Graduate in Design

Communication Design

The Master of Arts in Communication Design is a two-year full-time course (60 weeks over four semesters). The structure of the programme of study is designed to help develop independent learning, encouraging the construction and exploration of projects concerned with areas of particular personal interest. The overarching course philosophy is based upon an emphasis on research, methodology and visual thinking and allows individual and personal concerns to be explored through focused study in visual communication design.



Central to the course philosophy is the proposition that Design is thinking made visible, and that in order to respond to today’s multiple communication needs and platforms, a Visual Communication designer needs to be able to develop multi-form responses. Thus Multimedia is not a component or a specialism of contemporary Design, it is its definition.

Communication Design is called upon to structure messages to be understood by a broad audience. It needs to model perceptions as well as to transmit information and as a consequence designers benefit from being able to draw inspiration and ideas from a wide variety of experiences and bodies of knowledge. For this reason the course aims to expose students to opinions and expertise from as wide a spectrum as possible through a regular programme of visiting speakers, from within and outside of the profession.

Through its unique structure the MA in Communication Design at ESAD sets out to establish in the students mind a firm recognition and understanding of the critical capacities as well as practical skills necessary to navigate the contemporary Communication landscape and contribute to the building of a vibrant social practice.

Throughout the course, in Year One projects and in Year Two project proposals, the form and technological characteristics of student work is not predetermined. Instead, whatever the given theme or area of investigation, and guided by their personal interests, students are encouraged to search for the most appropriate form of output.

Study Plan

Year — 1
Contextual Studies 90 HC 9 ECTS
Design Case Studies 90 HC 9 ECTS
Communication Project 240 HC 24 ECTS
Communication Design Laboratory 180 HC 18 ECTS
Year — 2

HC — Contact Hours · ECTS — European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

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Applications and Admissions


Year 2024–25


Our dedicated educators foster a stimulating learning environment to help you reach your design potential


Many guests complement the teaching staff and promote an ever more stimulating and shared environment.

Enriching lives, opening minds


Erasmus+, funded by the European Commission, is the EU's flagship program for education, training, youth, and sport. It aims to boost personal and professional development for all Europeans. This can involve student exchanges, vocational training placements, or even adult learning programs. Erasmus+ also encourages collaboration between organizations across Europe to share knowledge and drive innovation in these fields.

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2024-2025 school year


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Information and Contacts

If you have any questions about applying or scholarships, don't hesitate to contact us.

monday to friday 8:30–12:00; 14:00–17:00

Graduate in Design

Craft Meaningful Experiences.

A Master's Degree is of the utmost importance for the training of qualified professionals who are successfully prepared to face complex and rapidly changing social challenges. At ESAD, the Master's Degree in Design offers you excellent training, with links to industry and research, and access to prestigious international guests at conferences and workshops. It also provides you with the specialization and consolidation of theoretical, practical and methodology skills that you will need.