The Last Prefix

Ivan Hunga Garcia
Anita Gonçalves, Joana Teodoro, Tânia Nicole
Undergraduate in Design
Fashion Design

The Last Prefix collection, is inspired by the current visual study on the condition of the human species, in memory of Neohominidae, reinforcing how the traces and the inevitable regeneration of matter implement the algorithmic relationship between all the physical character of living existence. The Last Prefix reflects an intersection of eschatological thoughts, among which the human being is redirected to an infamous position in the chain of survival. Still on a planned modelling methodology, in silhouette, the body is complemented by materic extensions. (...) Surfaces are developed in the exploration of bacterial and botanical cultures. The same communities exemplify the volatility of the matheric presence in different phases. Thus, in constant transfiguration and appropriation of consumed(re)organisms, a metaphysical dialogue of an interdependent plot is evoked.


Introducing the amazing work of our students, whose creativity and dedication shine through their exceptional projects, showcasing innovative ideas, meticulous craftsmanship, and a profound understanding of design principles that captivate and inspire.