Change of institution / course pair
Candidates can apply for the Change of Institution/Course Pair admission procedure if they:
- Have been enrolled and registered in another institution/course pair and have not completed it.
- Have taken the national secondary school exams corresponding to the entrance exams set for the General Entrance Exam - Drawing (03), Descriptive Geometry (10) and History of Culture and the Arts (12).
The exam(s) may have been taken in any previous academic year. The minimum grade for the exam(s) is 95 points (scale 0 to 200 points).
The Change of Institution/Course Pair procedure applies to students who have been enroled and registered in a foreign higher education institution in a course of study classified as higher education by the legislation of the country in question and have not completed it.
The Change of Institution/Course Pair procedure does not apply to students who have attended a Professional Higher Technical Course, or a foreign course of a corresponding level.
Applications and Admissions
Applications for ESAD courses are made on a pedagogical management platform, and the process of submitting information and documents can be done remotely or in person at the school's academic services.
- Application — online
- Citizen Card or Passport
- ENES Form (National Secondary School Examinations), original or certified photocopy.
- Certificate of the curricular units passed, with the respective grades, ECTS or workload, original or certified photocopy.
Licentiate Degree In Design — 4
Licenciate Degree In Digital Arts and Multimedia — 2
Administrative Services
Information and Contacts
If you have any questions about applying or scholarships, don't hesitate to contact us.
monday to friday 8:30–12:00; 14:00–17:00