Ma communication design 2017/18

The MA in Communication Design, coordinated by Andrew Howard, organises lectures and intensive 3-day workshops for year one and year two students.

Andrew Howard

workshop 8–10 NOV
Andrew Howard is the MA Communication Design coordinator. He's a graphic designer, educator, design writer, and curator. He runs his own design studio, Studio Andrew Howard, that specialises in work for cultural and educational institutions.

Miguel Angel Valdivia +

workshop 22–24 NOV
open lecture 22 NOV, 5 PM
Miguel Angel Valdivia is a lecturer of the MA Degree in Visual Communication in the Royal college of Arts, London. Curator and editor of the drawing publication Le Petit Néant.

Pedro Carvalho Almeida

workshop 4–7 DEC
Pedro Carvalho Almeida is a PhD from Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London. His doctoral research project was funded by FCT and is about Brand Archives as a design response to the globalization of visual identity.

Russel Bestley

worskhop 3–5 JAN
Russel Bestley is the course director of the MA in Graphic Design at the London College of Communication. He's co-author, with Ian Noble, of the renown book Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Graphic Design.

George Hardie

workshop 10–12 JAN + 1–2 FEB
open lecture 10 JAN, 5 PM
George Hardie is a renown graphic designer, illustrator and professor of graphic design at the University of Brighton, teaching on postgraduate courses. He is a master of subtle, intelligent and beautifully crafted visual thinking.

Ana Aragão

workshop 28 FEB–2 MAR
open lecture 28 FEB, 5 PM
Ana Aragão is an architect and illustrator, working on Places of Fiction, representing cities, imaginary or not.

Nuno Coelho

workshop 21–23 MAR
open lecture 21 MAR, 5 PM
Designer and graphic artist, Nuno Coelho is a professor in the Bachelor and Master's courses of Design and Multimedia at the University of Coimbra.

Ruben Dias

workshop 18–20 APR
Ruben Dias, a ESAD lecturer, is a PhD in design on Portuguese Royal Printing Office Typeface Revival, developed at the Faculdade de Arquitectura/Universidade de Lisboa. In 2000 he developed the printing office Tipografia Dias and in 2012 he co-founded the collective Tipos das Letras.

Paul McNeil

workshop 9–11 MAY
open lecture 9 MAY, 5 PM
Paul McNeil is a typographic designer with extensive experience in brand communications and corporate identity design.

Ariane Spanier +

workshop 23–25 MAY
open lecture 23 MAY, 5 PM
Ariane Spanier‘s eponymous studio is based in Berlin and produces graphic design and art direction for clients in the fields of culture. She designs and co-edits the annual magazine for contemporary drawing FUKT magazine.




Coordination andrew howard

event lectures and workshops

date school year 2017/18

place esad

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