Higher Professional Technical Programmes Financed training (100%)

Maritime and Fluvial Product Design

This professional training course, designed to meet the needs of the sector's industries, prepares students for the professional market in the field of product design.

The Maritime and River Product Design course is a professional course that prepares students to enter the professional market in the field of product design, specifically nautical, sea and river design and related areas. The skills developed within the scope of the course are those required for those wishing to work in Product Design and Engineering teams. The course also covers topics relating to materials, traditional and computerized manufacturing processes, 2D technical representation, 3D modelling and prototyping of different types of models.

CTeSP — Maritime and Fluvial Product Design



  • Conceber e desenvolver modelos analógicos e digitais de produtos, partindo das indicações e da interpretação de projetos de criativos;
  • Organizar a produção no que respeita a matérias-primas, materiais necessários à produção e equipamentos a aplicar no desenvolvimento do(s) produtos(s).
  • Orientar, gerir e otimizar as técnicas de produção, racionalizando os custos, garantindo a qualidade e desempenho eficaz dos produtos.
  • Assegurar a qualidade das peças desenhadas, modeladas ou prototipadas com vista à apresentação/produção.
  • Integrar transversalmente conhecimentos teóricos e tecnológicos na atividade projetual;
  • Realizar as atividades e projetos atuando como promotor dos princípios de responsabilidade ambiental respeitando a circularidade, sustentabilidade e o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas marítimos e fluviais.

Study plan

Semester — 1
Orthographic and Perceptual Design 96 HC 8 ECTS
Sketching Manual e Digital 72 HC 6 ECTS
Modelos e Protótipos 48 HC 4 ECTS
Materials and Sustainability 48 HC 4 ECTS
Maritime and River Product Design — Introduction 30 HC 3 ECTS
Technical English 24 HC 3 ECTS
Professional Behaviour and Quality 16 HC 2 ECTS
Semester — 2
Semester — 3
Semester — 4


Our dedicated educators foster a stimulating learning environment to help you reach your design potential.

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Blue Design Alliance

This initiative offers scholarships for Professional Higher Technical Courses (CTesP), taught at ESAD, and Postgraduate Courses. All the courses are practically orientated and allow you to pursue a professional career, where the theme of water will always be present, as well as caring for the ecosystems of rivers, seas and oceans.

CTeSP - Postgraduate Courses - Continuing Education

Year 2024-2025

Tuition Fee

Administrative Services

Information and Contacts

If you have any questions about applying or scholarships, don't hesitate to contact us.

monday to friday 8:30–12:00; 14:00–17:00

Explore Higher Professional Technical Programs

Launch Your Design Career

The Higher Professional Technical Courses running at ESAD stem from the Blue Design Alliance consortium, promoted by ESAD, and are 100% funded by Impulso Jovens STEAM scholarships. The Blue Design Alliance is supported by the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan—Recovery in Action—recuperarportugal.gov.pt.