Bruno caetano

In the scope of CINANIMA - Espinho International Animation Film Festival, an international animation film meeting where every year renowned names in animation and illustration meet, Bruno Caetano presents at ESAD the masterclass What the Word Freelancer Means.

Bruno Caetano is a self-taught animator and builder. He graduated from the Center for Research and Studies and Multimedia at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon, continuing his specialization in the technique of Volume Animation. Despite having a strong preference for this technique, his professional career led him to participate in various projects of various techniques of animation and real image. He currently works as a producer, director and animator at COLA - Collective Audiovisual, where he is a founding member.

Bruno Caetano holds several lectures, workshops, animation trainings and develops works as a set designer and exhibition commissioner in the fields of cinema, illustration and comics. He is also the founder of the [Comic Heart] brand 3, comic book publisher and the only national brand that sells original art related to comics and illustration.

Bruno Caetano's masterclass, open to anyone interested in animation, audiovisual production, games and television, is especially directed for students of the Degree in Digital Arts and Multimedia.


Riho Unt, 2018
Hemant Sharda, 2017
Jossie Malis, 2016
Tony Donoghue, 2015


Organização cinanima + esad

coordenação marta varzim

evento masterclass

local auditório esad

data 14 nov 2019, 14:30

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