Postgraduate Financed training (50%)

Digital Illustration and Animation

Knowing and integrating new and up-to-date illustration techniques is essential for responding to the major communication challenges.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Digital Illustration and Animation, part of the Blue Design Alliance, aims to broaden students' knowledge and promote their contact with recognized professionals, with a view to entering the job market and developing an individual visual identity. Students will explore a range of activities to develop illustration and animation in the design and organization of content (static and dynamic) for different communication platforms, using digital and analogue illustration, digital and stop-motion animation and AI-assisted illustration.



Digital Illustration and Animation

Study Plan

Year — 1
History of Illustration and Animation 16 HC 2 ECTS
Design Thinking, Creativity and Innovation 40 HC 5 ECTS
Design Expression Techniques 48 HC 6 ECTS
Illustration Project 48 HC 6 ECTS
Digital Animation Project 6 ECTS
Creative Writing Workshop 24 HC 3 ECTS
Illustrated Album Project 5 ECTS
Illustration based on Artificial Intelligence 24 HC 3 ECTS
Merchandising and Creative Spaces 24 HC 3 ECTS
Career Management and Intellectual Property for Visual Artists 24 HC 3 ECTS
Experimental Illustration | Thematic Seminars and Workshops 24 HC 3 ECTS

HC — Contact Hours · ECTS — European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System


Our dedicated educators foster a stimulating learning environment to help you reach your design potential

Digital Illustration and Animation

Tuition Fee 2024–25


Blue Design Alliance

This initiative offers scholarships for Professional Higher Technical Courses (CTesP), taught at ESAD, and Postgraduate Courses. All the courses are practically orientated and allow you to pursue a professional career, where the theme of water will always be present, as well as caring for the ecosystems of rivers, seas and oceans.

CTeSP - Postgraduate Courses - Continuing Education

Administrative Services

Information and Contacts

If you have any questions about applying or scholarships, don't hesitate to contact us.

monday to friday 8:30–12:00; 14:00–17:00

Financed Postgraduate Programs

Invest in Your Design Future

Postgraduate programs in design, arts, and creativity offer an enriching and specialized educational experience, empowering students to delve deeper into their chosen field, explore innovative concepts, and refine their artistic skills, ultimately paving the way for advanced career opportunities and creative pursuits.