Cinanima | lea vidakovic

As part of CINANIMA - Espinho International Animation Film Festival, where renowned names of cinema, animation and illustration pass through every year, Lea Vidakovic presents the masterclass Storytelling Approaches for Expanded Animation.

Lea Vidakovic (Serbia) is a multimedia artist, who works in the field of art installation and puppet animation. In this masterclass, spatial storytelling approaches of several animated installations will be discussed, including Sisters and Splendid Isolation, exhibited during the festival as well as a glimpse of a new work in progress. The broader context will be given beforehand, explaining basic differences and processes in creating stories for conventional animation films versus those made for expanded animation. The fact that the above works were created in puppet animation will be discussed too, with an aim to explore the impact of this technique’s material qualities on the viewer in an expanded context.

The masterclass is open to the entire school community and to all those interested, and especially directed to students of the Degree in Digital Arts and Multimedia. It takes place on November 9th, at 10:00 am, with live broadcast on CINANIMAS' and ESAD's networks.

This extension of CINANIMA at ESAD takes place within the partnership between the two institutions and is part of the program of the 45th edition of the festival, which runs from 8 to 14 November, in Espinho.


— 19 OCT – AWARDS 2020
This is a selection of 7 award-winning animated films at CINANIMA 2020. Highlight for Altötting, by Andreas Hykade, winner of the Grand Prix 2020 - City of Espinho Award; for Rivages, winner of the Special Jury Award, and for Tie by Alexandra Ramires, winner of the António Gaio Award.

A program of school films that participated in the First International Competition for the Best Student Film, organized by this ASIFA on its 60th anniversary. Eight films nominated from eight regions (Australia, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hellas, Poland, South), with Let's Meet Yesterday, by Iva Tokmakchieva, Bulgaria, winning the ASIFA Student Award 2020.

CINANIMA, in partnership with KAFF - Kecskemét Animation Film Festival, presents a series of Hungarian Folktales.

[4 pm, room S.0.04]


Louise Mercadier, 2020
Bruno Caetano, 2019
Riho Unt, 2018
Hemant Sharda, 2017
Jossie Malis, 2016
Tony Donoghue, 2015


Organização cinanima + esad

coordenação esad marta varzim

evento masterclass

data 12 nov 2020, 10:00

licenciatura artes digitais e multimédia 2021/22

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