Undergraduate in Design

Communication Design

Big challenges require adequate preparation. Communication Design prepares you for decisive dimensions in contemporary design.

The Communication Design field is specialized and multidisciplinary, and is currently as challenging as it is exhilarating. In the Communication Design degree you will gain knowledge in the fields of visual communication, editorial design, programming and new media, visual identity, information architecture, typography, illustration, photography, and graphic production, with solid theoretical preparation and critical awareness of the role of the designer in terms of the social and technological context. This training prepares you to succeed as a professional designer, and you can join an extraordinary community of creative minds and talented visual communicators. Become an agent of change.



  • Consolidate critical and ethical awareness, considering the role of the designer.
  • Contextualize design activity at historical, social and cultural levels.
  • To enable the exploration of design methodologies, with a creative and procedural dimension.
  • Explore traditional tools and emerging technologies for project development.
  • Provide skills for developing interactive and responsive projects.

Undergraduate — Communication Design

Study plan

Semester — 1
Design Fundamentals 90 HC 8 ECTS
Design and Technologies 60 HC 4 ECTS
Drawing I 60 HC 4 ECTS
Interaction Design 45 HC 4 ECTS
Geometry and Projection 45 HC 4 ECTS
Themes of Contemporary Culture 30 HC 3 ECTS
Theory of Perception 30 HC 3 ECTS
Semester — 2
Semester — 3
Semester — 4
Semester — 5
Semestre — 6

HC — Contact Hours · ECTS — European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

Committed to excellence

Our dedicated educators foster a stimulating learning environment to help you reach your design potential

Collaborations · Partnerships

Collaborative partnerships are essential in design courses as they foster a rich exchange of ideas, diverse perspectives, and collective creativity

The Communication degree programme has established a number of partnerships with public and private organisations such as BEL Portugal, Matosinhos City Council, Clube de Criativos de Portugal, Conservas Pinhais, Maiambiente, Red Bull, Super Bock Group, Xerox and many others.

Enriching lives, opening minds


Erasmus+, funded by the European Commission, is the EU's flagship program for education, training, youth, and sport. It aims to boost personal and professional development for all Europeans. This can involve student exchanges, vocational training placements, or even adult learning programs. Erasmus+ also encourages collaboration between organizations across Europe to share knowledge and drive innovation in these fields.

Take the next step

Applications and Admissions


Year 2024–25

Evaluate the possibilities


Turn your design dreams into reality with scholarship opportunities

2024-2025 school year


Degree in Digital Arts and Multimedia (3rd year) - 2nd Semester - 27.01.2025 to 13.06.2025

Administrative Services

Information and Contacts

If you have any questions about applying or scholarships, don't hesitate to contact us.

monday to friday 8:30–12:00; 14:00–17:00


The change that generates changes is taught and learned.

When studying at ESAD you will have the opportunity to learn from professionals with solid experience and take advantage of the School's teaching laboratories. You will be able to experiment and master different processes, tools and technologies, whether analogue or digital. ESAD’s degrees provide you with creative and technical skills, promote critical thinking, collaboration and independence. They make you flexible and irreverent, innovative and responsible. They train you for professional opportunities that put you at the heart of change.